Archive for July, 2014

Majority of Americans Lost Wealth in the Past Thirty Years

July 28, 2014


American median household wealth has declined 20% since 1984, in 2013 dollars. While the 75 percentile and higher gained wealth since then, the majority of Americans lost money over those thirty years. As a striking example, the median wealth fell from $87,992 in 2003 to $56,335 today.

–from Stanford

American Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Climbing after Two Decades of Stagnation

July 17, 2014

Fuel efficiency in American automobiles has been rapidly increasing since 2007, when the US passed a law requiring a MPG of 35 by 2020. It had previously spiked in the 1970’s from similar legislation, but stagnated for decades before the recent run-up.

–from Citylab.comĀ 

Commercial Weather Forecasts Most Accurate Within One Week’s Time

July 4, 2014

Commercial weather forecasts are most accurate within one week’s time. After nine days, climatology models, or predicting the temperature based on previous year’s temperatures, is the most accurate. Within three days, predictions are accurate to within four degrees Fahrenheit.
